Website development company Napollo provides a UI UX design service, so we want to share a special experience with you.

User interface design, in information technology, refers to the design of the interface for software, websites, or applications. It’s about programming the look and feel to simplify usability and improve the user experience.

In simple terms, a user interface is the functions of a device or application that allow the user to interact with it. Let’s say you fill out a company contact form on a website, in which case your user interface will consist of a text box, a dropdown list, a radio button, and any other component that will allow you to enter data into the company system.

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Are you baffled by the role of a user interface designer? This guide from toptal.com will help you understand how to hire the perfect user interface designer .


From our web agency’s experience in web design and business website development, we know that a good user interface is important in the sense that it helps your target audience get everything they need on your website. The user interface is designed to display services or goods, information that you offer, without ambiguity, it grabs the attention of your visitors and helps to keep them on your site.

Simply put, a good user experience is important because it can turn potential visitors into customers as it facilitates the interaction between the user and your site or application.

Obviously, the user interface is a rather complex part of the web, which involves anticipating user preferences and then creating an interface that understands and fulfills those preferences. The user interface not only focuses on aesthetics, but also maximizes the responsiveness, efficiency, and accessibility of the website. In other words, having a good user interface design will help improve your website’s conversion rate .

The interface is the point at which users interact with the site they are using. Good user interface design is the optimal combination of visual design, interactive design, and information architecture:

·         Visual design

Visual design enhances a site’s visual appeal by strategically implementing elements such as fonts, colors, and images. When done professionally, the visual design makes the page look elegant without compromising its function or content.

·         Interactive design

Interactive design forms the interaction of users with the resources of the site or application. He then uses his understanding of these interactions to create a well-behaved interface. Excellent interactive design not only anticipates how a person interacts with the system, but also resolves and resolves problems in a timely manner. Here you can also come up with new ways for the system to interact and respond to users.

·         Information architecture

Information architecture is designed to help users find the information they need to complete various tasks. Hence, it involves labeling, structuring and organizing web content in such a way that it is easily accessible.

Besides, the user interface is a very important part of mobile app design .

Selecting UI Design Elements

Users expect the interface to work and behave in a particular way. When designing a user interface, it is recommended that the interface be predictable, concise, and consistent. This makes it more efficient when performing tasks and ultimately increases user satisfaction. Several elements make up a functional interface. They can include:

·         Input controls such as buttons, radio buttons, check boxes, etc.

·         Navigation elements like bread crumbs, sliders, search phrase input fields, icons, etc.

·         Informational items such as tooltips, notifications, progress bar, message field, etc.

·         Call-to-action elements 

·         Various kinds of containers such as drop-down lists.

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When choosing which element to include in your user interface design, it is always wise to consider trade-offs. An element can, for example, save you some space, but it can end up confusing the user and disrupting the user experience (UX) .

Perhaps this English-language article will be of interest to you too:

What’s the difference between UX design and UI design?

UI Design Best Practices 

Designing the ideal user interface comes from knowing the users, as well as understanding their preferences, skills and goals.

Here are the best practices for good user interface design.

1.    Simple interfaces are better, so use a clear communication language and avoid irrelevant elements.

2.    Strive for consistency by using common UI elements. This ensures that the design is done quickly. And the user will get comfort and pleasure from interaction.

3.    Try to draw users’ attention to the most important sections of your site with well-structured page layouts.

4.    Use appropriate colors and textures to draw the user’s attention to a specific element on the page. Using the example of the work of the designer Napollo, see how color creates a completely different web design, even for an ordinary company .

5.    Use a font to improve the readability of your content.

6.    Use the default values ​​to reduce user load wherever possible.

These user interface design best practices are based on 10 rules for user interface design .

5 mistakes to avoid in user interface design

1.    Lack of user-centered design: This part is easy to ignore, although it is one of the important aspects of user interface design. When designing, it is necessary to take into account the needs, preferences,
problems of users. Failure to do so can have a negative impact on your business.

2.    Little knowledge of the target audience . Again, this illustrates more of what we just talked about. Instead of creating designs based on your own preferences and tastes, design as if you were a client. Just think about what the client will like and, if possible, conduct a survey to really understand what they need.

3.    Overuse of dynamic effects: Using too many animation effects is not synonymous with great design. This is often tiring and annoying for the user of the website or application. Avoid over-animation to optimize user experience.

4.    Avoiding Research: The pressure of deadlines and heavy workloads can force designers to abandon user research, best practices, and inspiration.

5.    Creation of too many elements early on. Often, we all just want to have an idea of ​​the design and, accordingly, get started as quickly as possible. However, this concept is not always effective. Sometimes studying other practices can reveal some amazing things to us.


In this article, we briefly explained what a user interface is, we defined the term “user interface design” and emphasized the importance of a good user interface in the context of web development. We also talked about the elements included in the user interface and finally listed some guidelines to consider when designing the user interface.


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