Dentistry under general anesthesia: where to do?

Today, the use of anesthesia is practiced in various types of dental procedures (treatment, tooth extraction, implantation) in both adults and children.

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Highly qualified staff of specialists, European-level equipment allow the clinic to provide high-quality dental treatment services.

In what cases is treatment under anesthesia performed?

Often, general anesthesia is used in cases where the patient is panicky afraid of dental treatment or has an intolerance to local painkillers. It is also often used in the treatment of teeth in children.

Treatment under general anesthesia can be carried out:

The dentist

If the patient is allergic to local anesthetics (solutions intended for anesthesia), general anesthesia is used. Under it, caries, pulpitis, curettage (cleaning) of periodontal pockets (pathological pockets that form during periodontal inflammation) can be treated. Also, under general anesthesia, a periodontal abscess (a limited accumulation of purulent exudate) is opened.

Pediatric dentist

With a panic fear of dental treatment, the elimination of multiple carious processes, filling channels in children can be performed under general anesthesia.

Dental surgeon during tooth extraction, implantation and other procedures.

Contraindications to general anesthesia

Absolute contraindications to general anesthesia include:

  • pregnancy;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma (severe form);
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • myocardial infarction, post-infarction condition;
  • acute diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • anemia (severe);
  • endocrine system diseases;
  • state of intoxication;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • neurotic and psychiatric diseases (epilepsy, etc.).

It is forbidden to carry out interventions under anesthesia with a full stomach.

Types of general anesthesia in dentistry

Depending on the technique, the following types of general anesthesia used in dentistry are distinguished:

Inhalation (anesthesia is supplied to the respiratory tract in a gaseous state):


Most often used in children. The intake of a special gas through the mask.

Mask anesthesia


Intravenous, intramuscular

As a rule, these types of anesthesia are used for short interventions or as an additional component in the case of combined anesthesia.


Combines the use of drugs of the first and second groups.

You have not chosen a clinic for the treatment of teeth under anesthesia? The specialists of the Center guarantee you all dental services under general anesthesia, whether it is treatment, tooth extraction or more complex surgical operations, at a high level in comfortable conditions.

Drugs for anesthesia

When inhaled anesthesia is most often used:


This powerful tool can be used independently or as one of the components of combined anesthesia. Introduction to sleep occurs within 2–4 minutes. Awakening after stopping the supply of the gaseous mixture lasts for 5 minutes. Fluorotan helps lower blood pressure and slow heart rate.

Nitrous oxid

It is used in a mixture with oxygen (70% nitrous oxide and 30% oxygen). It does not irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. If it is necessary to achieve a more powerful effect, fluorotane is introduced along with nitrous oxide.


Due to its high safety, good controllability (administration and withdrawal from anesthesia quickly occurs), this drug is most often used in children. Side effects are mild.

For intravenous anesthesia use:

Ketamine This drug causes a rapid onset of general anesthesia, but the anesthetic effect does not last long. It can be used both for mononarcosis and as one of the components of combined anesthesia.


The use of this drug provides a rapid onset of anesthesia, but the achieved effect is maintained for 30 minutes. Hexenal has a pronounced inhibitory effect on the respiratory center, it is used in combination with fluorotane, nitrous oxide.

General anesthesia in children

Direct indications for the use of anesthesia in pediatric dentistry are:

  • Treatment of a large number of teeth in one visit.
  • Increased psycho-emotional instability, panic fear of the dentist.
  • Interventions in children under 5 years of age.
  • Complex volumetric operations. For example, during reconstructive interventions in children with cleft palate, upper lip.

The presence of purulent inflammatory diseases, such as abscesses (limited accumulation of purulent exudate), phlegmon (diffuse purulent inflammation).

Allergy to all types of local anesthesia.

Also, the indication for the use of general anesthesia for dental interventions in children is the presence of a number of diseases, such as malformations, diseases of the central nervous system (Down’s disease, cerebral palsy, oligophrenia).

General anesthesia is contraindicated in pediatric dentistry for acute diseases of the respiratory tract, liver and kidney diseases, severe diabetes mellitus, rickets (vitamin D deficiency), in case of elevated body temperature, impaired nasal breathing.

Treatment of a child under general anesthesia

After dental treatment under general anesthesia, the patient remains in the clinic under observation for about 2 hours.

Modern dentistry allows you to comfortably and painlessly carry out various types of procedures. General anesthesia is one of the methods of anesthesia, which is used according to the indications or at the request of the patient.

Sign up for a free consultation at the Clinic. We will answer all your questions regarding dental treatment under general anesthesia in your clinical situation.

For more information visit our website Versailles Dental Clinic



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