FUE Micro injector
Donor hair for hair transplant: FUE method
The FUE method for hair transplantation is one of the modern techniques. In this method, no type of cut is involved. The FUE method is the least offensive process. For this, it takes an expert surgeon to do it effectively. In the FUE method, the hairs are extracted from almost all parts of the body, which is considered a very unique benefit. This method also entails certain advantages that are accepted by the experts. This technique uses limited donor hair for hair transplantation.

The FUE hair transplant has increased because of its good hair transplant on individuals although it uses less donor hair for hair transplantation. The success and effectiveness of any hair transplant depends on the availability of the donor. It is the body’s own hairs that are harvested in this area and then transplanted into the recipient area. This process is safe for hair transplant because of the restructuring of existing hair.
When the hair of the donors for the hair is transplanted in the bald area that does not have hair, usually at the back of the head. By placing the hair of the donor on these areas, it holds the hair and therefore they will remain for a prolonged period.
Areas for donor hair for hair transplant:
In the extraction of follicular units, the hair of a donor for the hair transplant can be abstracted from any part of the body. He understood the leg and the chest. It all depends on the number of hair available in the parts. The FUE method uses a whole process of change. In which the hair follicles are extracted from the donor area. This method uses the hair one after the other from the hair of the donor. In the area of donors, there are only a few traces of sting This is the reason why the FUE method extracts the hairs of the body part without removing the skin as in the FUT method which can leave scars. Currently, there is no technique for grafting hair from other hair. Yet, no method to create new hair follicles.
Recovery process of FUE hair transplant
The FUE hair transplant is one of the modern techniques. Behind the popularity of this transplant, one of the reasons is the safety and fast recovery process of the FUE hair transplant. Other methods such as the strip method are also safe but the recovery time is slow. In addition, this traditional graft includes an excessive linear band that causes an injury in the scalp. Compared with FUE, the hair transplant is less invasive.
The FUE hair transplant is the process by which a donor’s hair is extracted from the scalp, usually at the back. The follicles that are extracted are composed in an artificial medium. This medium contains saline water that helps the follicles stay alive. Once all the necessary follicles were removed, the extracted hair was transplanted into the receiving zone. In the extraction of follicular units, no cutting is necessary. Therefore, the recovery process of the FUE hair transplant is very fast. There is no need to stay in bed for several days or eliminate daily activities.
Step by step recovery process of FUE hair transplant:
Many patients are concerned about the recovery process of FUE with Micro injector compared to surgery. So, the first step is to say that after the hair transplant, your scalp could be painful. This can be recovered using medication prescribed by the surgeon. The next step is therefore the FUE transplant is an invasive process. So, it does not take a lot of time for recovery. The maximum healing time is 3 to 5 days.
In the EUF, graft transplants are located in the donor area. These scars are easily restored in a short time, unlike the strip method which takes a long time to recover. That’s why the process of recovering FUE hair transplant is fast. In FUE, the hair transplant takes a few months. Probably 3 to 4 months later, this indicates a sign of hair growth. At the end of 8 to 12 months, hair growth becomes visible.
Behind every successful operation, there are the skills of a surgeon. An inexperienced surgeon may have adverse consequences as well as a late recovery. It is therefore necessary to choose an experienced surgeon and follow the surgeon’s instructions after the surgical treatment.
If you need a hair transplant doctor click here.